· Martin Luther King, Jr.
I find that the hardest thing to do sometimes is change to break a habit.
We might be sick and tired of our low paying, go-nowhere
job and know that we were meant to do more with our life,
but the thought of leaving our "secure" job and venturing
into the unknown can really be difficult. So out of habit, we stay.
Sometimes simply thinking about making a chance or breaking
a habit can make us break out in a cold sweat.
Think of all the bad habits you continuously do, everyday,
even though you know it is either bad for you or it limits your
potential. It stops you from growing.
Have you ever lived in an area that you really didn't like, but
you have lived there so long that you simply stay because it's
easier to continue where we are than to move on? So you stay,
out of habit.
Have you ever been in a relationship that should have ended a
long time ago, but you continue to stay because you are used to
it and leaving, venturing into the unknown is more of a scary
prospect than simply staying with this person? So, you stay out
of habit.
Have you ever been overweight and knew you needed to lose weight,
but you simply couldn't put that piece of extra-crispy fried chicken
down? (smile.) But I continue, out of habit. I mean, you continue out
of habit. Ok, Ok, I'm guilty too.
We do all of these things even though we know that we should not.
We do it because it's simply a habit. In our minds, it's easier to continue
our bad habits instead of making changes that will make us a better person.
The truth is, you are extraordinary. That's the truth. I'm not just
saying that to butter you up. You are special. And, you can do
anything you want to do. There really aren't any limits to what you
can accomplish with your life. The only person that stops you from
living the life you were intended to life is you, and the fact that you
continue with your bad habits instead of creating new, positive, uplifting
God made you a unique individual with incredible talents and gifts.
And you know what you did? You decided to hide your talents and
not use them to their fullest potential.
Your talents were given to you to help you make a living for yourself
and for your family. How much better will you be for you and your family
if you are able to break those old negative habits and replace them
with positive habits that bring you closer to living your dreams, your
desires and your purpose.
PURPOSE stands for Perfecting the Uniqueness that will Reveal and
Propel your Omnipotent Soul and make you Extraordinary.
I want with all my heart, to help you become the person God wants
you to be. To help you break those habits, why not try and develop
new habits? Here are a few tips that will help you break those old habits
so you can start living your life with purpose.
1. Pray to God and ask Him to help you discover your purpose,
your talents and your gifts. If you follow these tips, you will be able to break those old habits
and live life with a PURPOSE.
About the Author Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker and trainer who teaches
church and youth organizations how to discover God's purpose
for their life and how to incorporate that purpose into a lucrative
career. Visit her web site at www.yourlifespurpose.com and sign
up for a FREE weekly newsletter that will teach you how to discover
YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE by simply sending a blank email to
mailto:yourlifespurpose-subscribe@topica.com and start living the
life you were intended to live. · Darwin P. Kingsley
2. Write down your purpose and talents as they are revealed to you.
3. Vividly visualize yourself living your life's purpose.
4. Write down what you hope to accomplish?your goals,
your dreams.
5. Each day, write a TO DO list of what you need to do today
that will bring you closer and closer to your goals.
6. Find a mentor, someone who is actually doing what you wish
to do and get to know them. Pick their brains to find out how they
started and what steps did they take to get where they are today.
7. Find a group of positive people who think the same way you
do and network with them. Hang out with them. Break the habit
of hanging with negative folks who do not have drive or ambition.
8. Keep God close to you at all times. Ask for His guidance on a
daily, hourly basis. Take everything to Him and the path to your
life's purpose will become crystal clear.
9. Whatever you are suppose to do that day, DO IT. Don't
procrastinate and fall back into your old "bad" habits.
10. After you discover your life's purpose, and are living the life
God intended for you to live, than reach out to someone else and
teach them how to discover their purpose. Be a mentor to someone
else. Show them how to break the old habits and start life anew, with
God by their side the entire way.
- Dawn Fields
You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind.
I woke up for the third morning in a row with my mind racing at lightening speed. I was obsessively evaluating everything that was not working in my life. My mind was out of control. If I could just generate more income… if my teenage daughter would come out of her bedroom and finally do something… If my husband would free up some quality time for me... On and on my mind flew relentlessly reviewing one problem after another sinking me into a darker and darker mood.
I knew I needed to change the energy. I was drowning in it. Leaving my house for a power walk I headed for a nearby pond in the woods. I gravitate to this pond when I am in need of reflection or wanting to find my center after a particularly stressful time.
I climbed out onto my favorite rock that juts over the water and catches the first rays of the summer sun. I settled myself and began to breathe in the tranquility of the natural setting. Suddenly I noticed hundreds of dragonflies flying over the pond, all around my rock and in and amongst the trees. What a breath taking sight. The iridescent color of their beating wings flitting all around me captivated my attention.
I remembered what I learned about dragonflies from Jamie Sams the author of the “Medicine Cards”. The idea of “medicine animals” carries the suggestion that animals provide a “teaching” offered as a gift for people. Sams writes,” Dragonfly medicine is of the dreamtime and the illusionary facade we accept as reality”. She suggests, ”On the psychological level, it may help to breakdown the illusions you have that restrict your actions or ideas”.
These amazing creatures had offered me a powerful gift of awareness. I realized that the “illusions” I was filling my mind with were the source of my stress and internal pain.
I headed back home with excitement and a resolve to take a fresh look at what was bothering me. I began to reexamine the “problems” I was convinced I was having. I thought about what the facts were versus my feelings about the facts.
For example: My 16 year old daughter, in between groups of friends and unable to find a job has been holed up in her room all summer not doing anything. Or so it seemed to me. One day she came out of her room and showed me sketchbooks filled with drawings and portraits she’d been creating as well as other projects she’d been working on.
I realized my daughter wasn’t wasting her summer at all. I was caught in the illusion she was. I began to look at what else I thought wasn’t working in my life. I found my thoughts about my income and my husband were also filled with illusions that were troubling me. I was able to shift my thoughts to the facts, what was real and true, and immediately felt more peaceful, accepting and clear about how much WAS working in my life.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to see if you are caught in an illusion: For me the teaching is clear. If I’m spending time and energy focusing on what isn’t working in my life I am probably caught in an illusion. If I am feeling fear and limitation I have lost sight of what is real. I invite you to consider making a shift in your life from a stand of illusion to a stand of inquiry.
Here are some helpful tips to assist you in the shift: As you begin to bring awareness to the illusions that are limiting your peace and happiness you discover your amazing power of creation. Consider YOU created the stressful illusions in the first place then reflect on the possibility of creating positive illusions for what you want in your life instead.
Let yourself be surrounded by dragonflies. Be in awe of the magical, illusive colors of their wings and the essence of their wisdom. Invite them to guide you through the haze of illusion to the clarity of a sunny morning.
It’s your life…imagine the possibilities!
About the Author Helaine Iris is a Success Coach for individuals and executives, offering coaching, training and facilitation that's focused on helping individuals, business leaders, managers, executives and entrepreneurs design lives that are both materially successful, as well as spiritually fulfilling and grounded. She is also a member of Coachville.com - an online coach training firm and one of the largest professional networks of coaches in the world. Helaine's bold and integrated approach to coaching is designed to help individuals discover and align with their soul's purpose. Learn more about Helaine Iris here. You may request a complimentary coaching session with Helaine by visiting www.pathofpurpose.com/coachques.htm.
Peace and Light, Michael Michael email: Michael@N-Spire.com - or, send your
to me right now!
· Do you find yourself lost in the stories you tell yourself and believe them without stopping to inquire if they are even true?
· Are you are so focused on your feelings you don’t stop to consider the “facts”?
· Do you resist making changes because you’re afraid of what might happen?
· Ask yourself if things are really the way they seem? Be willing to be curious and see a new way.
· Ask yourself what illusions you are creating that are restricting your inner peace and ability to act? Be willing to be honest with yourself.
· Focus on what IS working in your life versus what isn’t. This shift sends a clear message that will ripple through your whole experience.
· Consider living from a place of acceptance of what is. The more we resist reality the more we suffer.
- Helaine Iris