The Way Out: Inward

Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to one that would never otherwise have occurred… whatever you can do, or dream you can… begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Falling Upward

Usually when you see people make giant strides in their lives it is almost always preceded by a fall. The alcoholic who comes to grips with his alcoholism or the drug addict who wakes up in his own vomit have fallen very far. When they got to the bottom, they had an awareness. The bottom is really important for spiritual development.

The ego doesn’t want you to experience a fall, because when you have a fall, you find your higher self, the spiritual part of you, or God. The ego is terrified of that, so it promotes a steady little river of misery and helps you to avoid a fall.

The Kabala teaches us that in order to be able to move from the physical level to the spiritual level, you have to generate an incredible amount of energy and the only way you can generate this energy is through a fall.

 The Courage To Turn Inward

The opening line of Your Sacred Self is, “You have been facing the wrong way.” You don’t find the courage to change by facing outward and looking for it anyplace outside. When we’re born the door opens just for a split second and we enter a room called daily awareness. It’s all of the things we have learned about who we are, what we can do, what we can accomplish, what our goals and limitations are. However, it’s only one room in this house of potential human awareness.

The only way 99 percent of the people know how to get out of the room of daily awareness is to die. At death the door opens again, just for a split second, and out you go. We call this your life.

Going Beyond Fear

There are a few who really explore. Most people spend their life pushing on the walls looking for a door that opens outward. A few people have an awareness, an instant awakening, an epiphany, and realize that the door to higher awareness, to other rooms in the house, opens inward.

You’ve got to step back and pull the door inward. You have to metaphorically turn yourself in such a way that you can face inward instead of outward. That’s where you’ll find the courage to change. Instead of having to die in order to experience heightened levels of awareness, you can learn new ways of going outside the room of daily awareness and explore all the other rooms in the house of potential awareness that go beyond fear and beyond all limitations.

 Dr. Wayne Dyer

-Wayne Dyer, Ph.D.

 Recognized as the father of motivation, Wayne Dyer has sold well over 40 million books in the U.S. alone. He became a well known author with his best-selling book, Your Erroneous Zones, and has gone on to write many other classics, including; Your Sacred Self, Manifest Your Destiny, Pulling Your Own Strings, You'll See it When You Believe It, Real Magic and The Sky's the Limit. He regularly appears on stage around the world with his friend Deepak Chopra. The purchase of some of these same books from the Friday's Inspiration Life Enrichment Books link will directly benefit CASA, the sole beneficiary of all sales.


The Key

Most men have sentiments, but not principles. The former are temporary sensations, the latter permanent and controlling impressions of goodness and virtue. The former are general and involuntary, and do not rise to the character of virtue. Every one feels them. They flash up spontaneously in every heart. The latter are rules of action, and shape and control our conduct…

--Albert Pike (1809-1891); "Morals and Dogma"

What’s in there, behind the door to the inner parts of me? Much of my adult life was based upon sentiments, as Pike would say. I left that inner door closed because I didn’t want to know what was in there. I thought I knew, and that was enough. Some good stuff, a few general moral concepts about respect for others, the usual amount of politeness and courtesy from my upbringing; a generally nice guy was in there, I believed – all he needed was some strokes, some sort of recognition from others and that would validate my belief. But that was delusion, wasn’t it? Thinking that way is like Harold Hill selling music lessons without instruments. It could be all fluff and imagination without authentic proof or substance. What I really needed, true peace and happiness, just might be in there as opposed to being somewhere outside of me.

How was I to ever know without any self-examination? I had a hunch that if I was not willing to look within, I would not be able to find anything of value that might be waiting there. The alternative was to be satisfied with what I thought I had, and to forego having what I really needed. I was not satisfied with what I had. So, instead of waiting until I hit the bottom, I raised the bottom up to where I was at that time. Unlike Dr. Dyer’s description of reaching that crisis point, I did not fall upward - I jumped willingly.

It was time to go exploring, looking for my authentic self, but I feared going where I needed to go. This was going to take some energy and discipline, which scared me even more. I had to make the commitment to myself first, and that scared me totally. I did commit myself to this search within, and Providence truly moved. It was a bold but terrifying move for me, this very serious commitment to myself. Mine was not the genius behind it, because it was more like desperation than genius. It was scary time - what would I find?

No more hesitating. Still, the fear was with me… one step on this path led to the point of no return, once that door was opened there was no closing it, ever again. Resistance is futile – you will be assimilated – Aaaaaahhhhhhh!  Hey, this isn’t so bad after all…

So, lessee… First of all, what is important enough to me to keep, and why am I keeping it? What is more important? What is less important? What am I willing to sacrifice in order to step up to this commitment to myself? What is lacking? Do I have principles, and if so, what are they, and are they all that I need in my life? I made lists of things that I liked and disliked, things I did and didn’t do, things I wanted to do, what I wanted to stop doing, what I believed in and what I wanted to learn, my relationships, my financial situation, and my health. I even drew up a diagram of my understanding of life and its purpose, and what I believed I either had or should have at the center of my life, and what was around that center. I kept a journal, I listened to people, especially family members, when they gave me feedback, and I spent a good deal of time alone with myself.

Now, what did I find in there? The ability to identify what inside of me can produce anger, divisive thoughts, destructive actions, negativity, and disharmony. I also learned what within me would produce love, healing thoughts, constructive actions, and creativity. I learned that my soul is a positive entity at the core of my being which loves me without restriction and accepts me without judgment. Recognizing and valuing that inner me has infused me with authentic empowerment and has taught me a reverence for life and the value of aligning my personality with my higher self, and both of those with the loving purposes of Spirit. It was a joyous journey, a journey to wholeness that began with a healing of myself.

I also found that I did not have go through this process alone, that there was help, if only I would ask. This exploration also helped me to see that I needed to commit to letting go of the pain and the shame that was binding me. Commitment, I discovered, was not just something that happened by choice instead of chance, but that it grows like a muscle that becomes stronger as it is exercised. My willingness to commit has borne fruit – (study Matthew 7 for the whole concept) and it has shaped me, not with simple sentiments but real principles.

Commitments require focus. Someone once described the process thus: “Sow a thought, reap an act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” Staying focused on the upper road and my highest calling, attending to my inner wisdom, and being open to Divine assistance helps me gather the courage to fight my ego and its resistance to my spiritual stretching and growing. Staying focused on those things that I am committed to gives me the guidance of clear vision and a readiness to answer when Spirit calls. Giving all of my commitments some serious and timely consideration before jumping into them provides the opportunity to learn whether making such a commitment is in the best interest of my spiritual growth, and the strength to say no when it is not.

The door to the way out leads within. Begin now this inward journey, or renew your commitment to press forward in your exploration. Seek the aid of your unseen guides, and ask Spirit to aid you in finding that Key Which Unlocks All Doors.



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