Learn - Do - Teach!

Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers and teachers.

·   Richard Bach


The Power Of A Peaceful Heart, Quiet Mind and Winning Spirit

The Desiderata, a famous piece of writing with great wisdom was found in a church in Baltimore USA, 300 years ago. Its first line was: 'Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.' The Hindu and Buddhist religions also seek peace, tranquility and refuge away from the 'maddening crowd'. They recognize that in the noisy confusion of life, there are disenchanting relationships and human problems.

Successful people, prominent leaders, and especially the American presidents over the years, take retreats. Your nervous and spiritual system need a sanctuary away from the bustle and hustle to rest and recuperate; just as your body requires exercise and rest to let off tension and tiredness. Fatigue and emotional carry-overs can bring aggravation, problems, burn-outs or even accidents.

The key is to advance in silence and serenity, in a subtle way. We all need time alone. In seclusion, we can exploit time further and gain extra ground by fostering positive thoughts, renewal and progress; besides, many accomplishments need quietness and undivided concentration.

It is crucial in the young years, that we learn to exploit opportunities in solitude. Consequently, we will have some mastery over our habits, mental routines and quality of life. I tend to think that the real test of our youngsters' capacity to use time alone is their ability to study their textbooks for extended periods, without running to the fridge, the TV, or the gossiping telephone!. Emerson assured us, 'Nothing can bring you peace but yourself'. Your real power must come from within. Your mind is your own and you solely manage your responses to everything that affects your life. You must therefore take special care of the inner you, and filter all your daily thoughts and experiences so that none of the poisonous matter sneak in or latch on.

Constantly build a quiet room in your mind, for prayer, power and progress. Clearing the mind is an important step towards tranquility contentment and balance. Erase all doubts, fears, regrets, negative mind tracks, unpleasant memories and replace them with pleasant thoughts. You can also recall past experiences and scenes of joy and victories. Supplement these with recollections of beautiful settings, blossoms, music, mesmerizing sunsets, starlit nights and serene moonlight. These will pacify and refresh your mind.

Serenity is always important because it is the sedate garden where seeds of greatness germinate. Calmness fosters concentration, vision, creativity, insight, strategy, accurate thinking, and enhances your mental and spiritual well-being.

Lest we forget, solitude is also the golden opportunity for affirmation and visualization! Champions and achievers in various areas practice imaging and mental rehearsals of their perfect performance. Sportsmen and athletes have been rehearsing for ages. Even business leaders visualize, as confirmed by Charles Garfield in Peak Performers. When asked about imaging, these entrepreneurs said they did it, 'All the time. I just never knew it had a name'.

by Stephen Tan - younghorizons.com

About the Author

Stephen Tan was born in British Borneo which is now a part of Malaysia. He graduated in Canada with a degree in Economics and Psychology and moved to New Zealand where he now lives with his family. He has traveled to at least 26 countries. This is reflected in his book, Reaching Out which contains plenty of viewpoints and ideas with truly international flavor. Together with descriptions of tropical scenes, it certainly impresses on readers that there is still another world of beauty outside of where they live. This is truly an educational and enlightening book. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book goes to support the United Nations Children's Fund relief efforts.

As long as you live, keep learning how to live.

·   Seneca

How Insight Becomes Example

Most lessons in life come as "light bulb moments" - a flash of insight into just what is happening, how it affects me, and how I can apply experience and knowledge to the situation. Most times, the challenge isn't one that I haven't already experienced. I am learning, once again, something I already know. Yet, here is the lesson, again. Different form, different place, different people, new circumstances. An old lesson dressed up as a new challenge. Understanding the point that the Universe is trying to get across to me is that "flash of brilliance."

Lessons of love, that is what they are. Almost every lesson I have learned could somehow be distilled down to one word: Love. Love is the lesson that comes to me in many forms. It is a lesson that is likely to come at me again and again, in its various forms, until my life is over. That is why we are here, n'est-il pas?

I could argue that I already know these lessons love, but there will always be more ways that lessons of love can be demonstrated to me. Courage, faith, patience, integrity, loving myself when it appears that nobody else cares. Starting over when it seems that I have started over more times than it seems I should have to. Humility, forgiveness, patience.. all of these and more are lessons of love.

Whatever the lesson is, of this I am sure: in the end, the lesson is love. Getting through lessons of love is a struggle, more often than not. It is difficult when I have to feel the feelings, the darkness and confusion. It is difficult to remember, to trust that the light will return. It is difficult to know, beyond doubt, that whatever befalls me, I am on my path. Thus, I learn.

It is not enough just to learn, I must do, because I am responsible for what I have learned. There are many ways I can demonstrate the lessons of love to others. Forgiveness, generosity, thoughtfulness, contributions of substance, time and effort. Remembering the lonely, comforting the sick, protection of the innocent. Nothing will reduce my problems to relative insignificance more that doing for others, within the bounds of what I am capable of giving. Loving myself enough to know where those boundaries are fuels the light that shines for others to see.

More than this, if I wish to participate in the social and spiritual process of my growth, I must participate in the growth of others. I must truly act the part of teacher to my fellow human beings. Being a student of the lessons of love is not enough. Lessons of love are waiting to be taught to others, and I must be an instrument of that teaching process, too. It is the price of being alive in the Universe.

Most times, the part played by student and teacher go back and forth until all participants have gained. And so, the process of learning, doing and teaching the lessons of love begins again.

Learn. Do. Teach. It's all about love.

The Author
Peace and Light, Michael

email: Michael@N-Spire.com - or, send your Let me know what you think of this article to me right now!

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