Balance, n. 1: equilibrium of all components of a system, i.e., light and dark, good and evil, truth and error; 2: a contest that commenced with time, and is typified in the lives of every human that walks the earth.
Today's topic is concept that was not discussed in last week's F.I., but one that I feel is at least as important, if not more so. It sums up the whole of the Simple Abundance principles: gratitude, simplicity, order, harmony, beauty and joy.
Many of you know that I am a Mason, but most of you have no idea what Masonry is about. You may know that there are certain secrets which we are supposedly privy to, namely those which enable us to recognize one another wherever we may meet. In truth, there are no "other" secrets that cannot be found at the local library! Most of the philosophy that is taught in the Masonic fraternity is plain common sense, the kind that forms the foundation of the world's religions. One such is the acknowledgement of a Supreme Deity (our "Great Architect of the Universe").
In passing through the Degrees of this fraternity, candidates are exposed to many concepts. Most are just reminders of moral concepts that he is already familiar with, and which he is encouraged to adopt in his life, according to his own understanding. These concepts are taught with symbols and allegories, not absolutes represented as "The Truth."
Upon arriving at the pinnacle of this course of enlightenment, the 32nd degree, the novitiate is introduced to the concept of balance in his life. (This is Masonry's "Big Secret!" if you ever wondered what it was…..)
This law of reciprocal balance operates throughout the universe – divine justice with divine mercy, divine omnipotence with man's free will, constitutional authority and individual rights, material with the spiritual. The concept is symbolically represented by the Cross, reflecting the positive and negative powers of the world, out of which come creation and procreation.
The tremendous truth of the law of balance lets us understand the tensions within us as they struggle for good and evil. With this knowledge, we realize that our characteristic for good should be enhanced while those characteristics that propel toward evil should be overcome. Just as a counterweight can raise a mighty elevator, so can we accomplish the desired result with little effort if we will move in the direction we should desire.
Immanuel Kant, the great mystic-philosopher, discovered that human logic and reason can go only so far. This revolutionized his life. He said there was a Higher Power, greater than mind power, and that this mysterious force is available for those who will seek beyond the rational. It enables an awareness of reality more than does conscious thought of will.
In his essay, "Spiritual Laws," Ralph Waldo Emerson summarized:
"A little consideration of what takes place around us every day would show us that a higher law than our will regulates events; that our painful labors are unnecessary and fruitless; that only in our easy, simple spontaneous action are we strong. Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which animates all whom it floats, and you are without effort impelled to truth, to right, and a perfect contentment."
Peace and Light, Michael
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