Developing Spiritual Vision
I gave my life to become the person I am right now. Was it worth it?--Richard BachNever allow what you look like to determine what you can or cannot do. Never allow what you are looking at to determine what you believe. Never allow what you can see with your eyes to lure you into the belief that there is nothing more. Always allow your spiritual eyes to take you beneath the surface. It is there that you will see and know the truth. Until you can see yourself, your life and everyone around you with spiritual vision, you will be confused by the appearances of lack and disorder.
Everything you see in the outer world has an inner meaning. In the midst of every fact is a hidden and invisible cause. At the heart of every experience, every situation, every circumstance, there is an invisible truth. For every single thing, no matter how unsightly, unpleasant, or disconcerting, there is a true, hidden meaning that represents the activity of Spirit. This also applies to you. There is a truth about you that may have gone undetected. There is a cause which you live to fulfill. There is meaning beneath your physical exterior that represents spiritual activity. In order to see this activity, we must develop spiritual vision. Until we do, we can always be fooled by appearances! To see the spiritual presence in all things is to know the true nature of God. To know the nature of God is to know yourself.
Until today, you may have been caught up, put off, confused by the way things appear to be. You may have been fooled by the appearances of things and people around you. Just for today, be devoted to asking for and receiving spiritual insight into yourself and about all things.
-Iyanla Vanzant, Until Today! - Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of Mind © 2000
Shaping the Light You change the way that you shape the Light which is flowing through you by changing your consciousness. You do this, for example, when you challenge a negative pattern, such as anger, and consciously choose to replace it with compassion, or when you challenge impatience and consciously choose to understand and appreciate the needs of others. This creates different forms of thought, feeling and action. It changes your experience.--Gary Zukav, The Seat of the SoulYou can shout into the ear of a fool forever, and he will still be joined to his folly. When I finally listened to, and followed the urgings of, that "still, small voice within me," I began a miraculous journey. There was definitely more to life than met the eye. The sacred texts teach the concept of as above, so below, which can be interpreted in several different ways. So, consider this one: That which you conceive, you can achieve. If you can conceive a different life experience for yourself, you can live it. If you could but see all things in your life through different eyes, using what may be called a spiritual vision, your focus might be different, and so might the outcome of your decisions.
I do not mean this in a strictly moral sense, either. I understand that everything around me, seen and unseen, all things and all people are connected to me in some way. I call that "reality," just so I can grasp it in my mind. I believe that all is Creation, that it has a source from elsewhere - just like a mirror's reflection of me is not me, but simply has it's source in me and not the mirror. I know that if I think consciously of turning my car left at the intersection, I can make that happen. Logically, I understand that if I pay attention to what goes on around me, I can influence my experience of it by my actions in some positive and negative ways. I understand that if I use the insight which my "still, small voice" provides me, I can do more, be more, see and understand more, learn more, and grow in my experiences. But that is just me. I don't claim to have all the answers, but I believe I know how and where to look for them.
Within. It is all there, I just have to be able to see it.
I cannot give you lessons in how to develop spiritual vision, but will affirm that it is there, a gift you have had all your life. You may not know all things with which you are gifted, all of your talents, but this is one gift that you and all of us truly do have, which we use by only choosing to do so. I am not here to shout my belief system into your ear. Neither are you foolish, joined to your folly. But please, know this: to change your experience you must change your consciousness, and see a spiritual presence in all things. Then take that which is above, in your consciousness, and make it happen here below, in your reality. Be a reflection of that which you create in your mind, and see that creation and the execution of it using your spiritual vision. Create order out of chaos, by getting in tune with the connectedness of all things, by understanding that you and your life are part of the reflection of the Created, and thus, of the Creator.
Seek the Source and its expression in your life with your spiritual vision, and you will better grasp your part of the Created reflection. Understanding this will change your experiences of it.
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